۱۴۰۳ مهر ۴, چهارشنبه

USA and other none-Islamic countries in danger.

Do not use Hw/Sw translators , Also do not translate by Iranian or Muslim translators.

I have reported and have warned this danger, since 2022 to USA even several yesrs before 2022.

Spy-service of Iran, have installed spy-devices such as spy-cam , spy-mic inside my home and many other Iranian since 3 decade ago.

I am froums writer and blogger, therefor every time i have written  to draft article/news/content ,
Islamic spy agents had called or had done video chat , with the user of forums or Social Networks that are targets and spies had introduce themselve as me or friend of me or chief of me.
These spies and terrorists have been faked friends of oposition and foreign familes.

Pronbaly many of these spies , robe information of their targets and by them aply imigrate .

I think many terrorists and spies have been transfer to USA and other countirs.

They robbed identity of me.

USA and other countries are in dangers.

Also seems by these method, super powers countries have sent spies to each others.

Please report to spy-srevice and newspapers iran have sent many terrorist and spy to superpower countris since 1989 decades







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